The Trick To Finding Christmas Thrift Store Treasures

Shopping is not my favorite thing to do. Yes, I am a woman and we are supposed to love shopping, but I don’t.

It feels like looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack, when I need something specific  Online shopping has been a game changer when you need that exact “pink, orange and gold, boat neck, XXL, long, sleeveless, dress.” I do like to just stroll around without the pressure of trying too hard. It’s fun to happen upon the perfect sweater in June at T.J. Maxx, when it has been marked down to $5.00.

What really does get my blood pumping is thrift store shopping.

The weird smell of a Goodwill is the next best thing to Thanksgiving Dressing. Nothing makes my heart race like the sight of a thrift store sign. I just cannot pass it up. Oddly, this is a hobby that became an obsession in the past couple of years. In 2018, I started selling antiques and home accessories in a local store. It was this new venture that made me find an alternative to buying large amounts of new products. So, thrift stores, flea markets and occasional yard sales became my thing.

From January through August of this year, I spent hours and hours at the Goodwill Outlet, thrift stores, auctions and occasional “dumpster diving”. I get a huge rush when I dig through tub after tub of broken mugs, unidentifiable wet stuff, and smelly discarded clothing. My heart races when I come across something that may actually be valuable.

I felt so lucky when I found Darth Vader ornament, handmade vintage ornaments, a Christmas train, Christmas Carousel with moving characters, antique Christmas books, nutcrackers, Japanese blinking Santa mugs and so much more.

One of my most rewarding finds was a “leg lamp” like the one in a Christmas Story.

My big regret was passing up a white mid century modern ceramic tree with multi colored birds. I wasn’t familiar with the birds, so I passed it

Victorian Ornament
Leg lamp is headed to my booth

up. HUGE mistake. Now, I definitely use Google Lens when in doubt.

At the end of every trip, I tuck away these treasures  in a tub of their own and wait for the next holiday season.

In August, I went through all of these finds and picked some to take to my booth at our local store called, The Rusty Magnolia. It’s always hard to part with these items because I only buy what I like and not for the tastes of others. If something doesn’t sell then I take it home to enjoy.

A few of the pieces stay with me. This year, I kept some singing little girls, a few vintage ornaments, a Santa cup, and a Christmas Ferris wheel. Our family will enjoy them with all of our other decorations and after; I may pack them in the sale tub next year.

Recycling trash is not a “thing” where I live, so this is my way of contributing to saving the environment. I appreciate the hard work that went into the handmade ornaments and I don’t feel guilty about what I have spent since most of it was purchased at $2.00 a pound! I think everything needs a story and these treasures definitely have one to tell.

Carousel and Santa from Goodwill
My tree is packed!

This hobby is definitely not for everyone, but I can’t understand that. My daughters have no desire to thrift shop but I have taken the grandchildren with me and they seem to enjoy it. These trips give me a chance to share with them the history and potential value of things sitting in a thrift store.

Thrift store shopping is always like looking for a unicorn.

Thrift shopping is so much better than going to a dollar store and buying junk that they don’t need or care about. I have to admit that I have planned entire vacations around the best thrift stores. There is a special high that “thrifters” get when they see something special on the shelf. I once spied a very collectible stuffed Santa and couldn’t scoop it up fast enough!



Christmas will be over and all of the decorations will be packed away. Hopefully families all over the world will decide they don’t want those MCM lit trees, blinking Santas, and Christopher Radko ornaments and will donate them to a thrift store near me. I’ll be only my way to rescue them like Santa in a sleigh, but I’ll be in a Ford F-150.

Merry Christmas!




Independent Travel Agent, travel fanatic, French antique lover, thrift store lover.

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